Failed to update function after updating a Firebase secret

Sometimes we need to update an API key like in this case:

firebase functions:secrets:set STRIPE_SECRET_KEY

If the key is already by a deployed cloud function, we may get this error:

? Enter a value for STRIPE_SECRET_KEY [hidden]
✔  Created a new secret version projects/33737172103/secrets/STRIPE_SECRET_KEY/versions/2
i  1 functions are using stale version of secret STRIPE_SECRET_KEY:
? Do you want to re-deploy the functions and destroy the stale version of secret STRIPE_SECRET_KEY? 
i  Updating function onStripePaymentWritten(us-central1)...
⚠  functions: HTTP Error: 400, Validation failed for trigger projects/flutter-firebase-masterclass/locations/nam5/triggers/onstripepaymentwritten-816653: The request was invalid: invalid argument: event type not supported: attribute topic not found within event type
⚠  functions:  failed to update function projects/flutter-firebase-masterclass/locations/us-central1/functions/onStripePaymentWritten

Error: Failed to update function projects/flutter-firebase-masterclass/locations/us-central1/functions/onStripePaymentWritten

Having trouble? Try firebase [command] --help

To work around that, we can delete the existing function:

firebase functions:delete onStripePaymentWritten

Then, we can update the secret again:

firebase functions:secrets:set STRIPE_SECRET_KEY

And finally, we can deploy the functions again:

firebase deploy --only functions