Firebase Course - November 2023 Update

Mainly minor changes:

  • Updated course to Flutter 3.16, Dart 3.2
  • Updated course to latest package versions
  • Enabled Material 3 in the main project (useMaterial3: true)

To run the latest code, make sure you're running on Flutter 3.16 (run flutter upgrade if you're still on an older version).

I also recommend to upgrade to Xcode 15 and Cocoapods 1.13.0 or above if you want to develop for iOS and macOS.

Here are the most important details for each section / lesson. 👇

Section 1

  • Updated starter project to Flutter 3.16 and the latest packages
  • Set useMaterial3: false in the ThemeData (this applies to the small demo app)

Section 2

  • Updated starter project to Flutter 3.16 and the latest packages
  • Set useMaterial3: true in the ThemeData (this applies to the eCommerce app)
  • Updated course to GoRouter 12.1.1 and always use goNamed rather than pushNamed (since push APIs can cause problems with redirect and refreshListenable)
  • Added some notes about asynchronous dependency initialization (see this tip for more details)