

It's amazing to me how many folks have already contributed to this project. Huge shout out to the go_router contributors!

  • Salakar for the CI action on GitHub that is always helping me track down stuff I forget
  • rydmike for a bunch of README and dartdoc fixes as well as a great example for keeping state during nested navigation
  • Abhishek01039 for helping me change a life-long habit of sorting constructors after fields, which goes against Dart best practices
  • SunlightBro for the Android system Back button fix
  • craiglabenz for a bunch of README fixes; also, Craig has been talking about adding build_runner support to produce typesafe go and push code for named routes, so thumbs up on this issues if that's a feature you'd like to see in go_router
  • kevmoo for helping me track down spelling issues in my README and unused imports and refactoring for easier maintenance
  • andyduke for the most excellent Navigation Builder feature and updates to state restoration.
  • lulupointu for deep link fixes that keep pages from flashing willy-nilly.
  • jopmiddelkamp for the easy mapping from a Stream to a Listenable for use with refreshListenable as well as a PR template
  • mehade369 for dartdocs fixups
  • ben-milanko for example link fixes
  • johnpryan for updating implementation to use logging package for debug diagnostics
  • nullrocket for removing a hack for notifying the router of a route change that was no longer needed and adding support for Router.neglect.
  • toshi-kuji for the Japanese translation of the docs and catching many typos in the English docs