
Nested Navigation

Sometimes you want to choose a page based on a route as well as the state of that screen, e.g. the currently selected tab. In that case, you want to choose not just the screen from a route but also the widgets nested inside the screen. That's called "nested navigation". The key differentiator for "nested" navigation is that there's no transition on the part of the page that stays the same, e.g. the app bar stays the same as you navigate to different tabs on this TabBarView:

nested navigation example

Of course, you can easily do this using the TabBarView widget, but what makes this nested "navigation" is that the location changes, i.e. notice the address bar as the user transitions from tab to tab. This makes it easy for the user to capture a dynamic link for any object in the app, enabling deep linking.

To use nested navigation using go_router, you can simply navigate to the same page via different paths or to the same path with different parameters, with the differences dictating the different state of the page. For example, to implement that screen with the TabBarView above, you need a widget that changes the selected tab via a parameter:

class FamilyTabsScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  final int index;
  FamilyTabsScreen({required Family currentFamily, Key? key})
      : index = Families.data.indexWhere((f) => f.id == currentFamily.id),
        super(key: key) {
    assert(index != -1);

  _FamilyTabsScreenState createState() => _FamilyTabsScreenState();

class _FamilyTabsScreenState extends State<FamilyTabsScreen>
    with TickerProviderStateMixin {
  late final TabController _controller;

  void initState() {
    _controller = TabController(
      length: Families.data.length,
      vsync: this,
      initialIndex: widget.index,

  void dispose() {

  void didUpdateWidget(FamilyTabsScreen oldWidget) {
    _controller.index = widget.index;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text(_title(context)),
          bottom: TabBar(
            controller: _controller,
            tabs: [for (final f in Families.data) Tab(text: f.name)],
            onTap: (index) => _tap(context, index),
        body: TabBarView(
          controller: _controller,
          children: [for (final f in Families.data) FamilyView(family: f)],

  void _tap(BuildContext context, int index) =>

  String _title(BuildContext context) =>
      (context as Element).findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<MaterialApp>()!.title;

The FamilyTabsScreen is a stateful widget that takes the currently selected family as a parameter. It uses the index of that family in the list of families to set the currently selected tab. However, instead of switching the currently selected tab to whatever the user clicks on, it uses navigation to get to that index instead. It's the use of navigation that changes the address in the address bar. And, the way that the tab index is switched is via the call to didUpdateWidget. Because the FamilyTabsScreen is a stateful widget, the widget itself can be changed but the state is kept. When that happens, the call to didUpdateWidget will change the index of the TabController to match the new navigation location.

To implement the navigation part of this example, we need a route that translates the location into an instance of FamilyTabsScreen parameterized with the currently selected family:

final _router = GoRouter(
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      redirect: (_) => '/family/${Families.data[0].id}',
      path: '/family/:fid',
      builder: (context, state) {
        final fid = state.params['fid']!;
        final family = Families.data.firstWhere((f) => f.id == fid,
            orElse: () => throw Exception('family not found: $fid'));

        return FamilyTabsScreen(key: state.pageKey, currentFamily: family);

The / route is a redirect to the first family. The /family/:fid route is the one that sets up nested navigation. It does this by first creating an instance of FamilyTabsScreen with the family that matches the fid parameter. And second, it uses state.pageKey to signal to Flutter that this is the same page as before. This combination is what causes the router to leave the page alone, to update the browser's address bar and to let the TabBarView navigate to the new selection.

This may seem like a lot, but in summary, you need to do two things with the page you create in your page builder to support nested navigation:

  1. Use a StatefulWidget as the base class of your screen widget.

  2. As the user navigates, you'll create the same StatefulWidget-derived type, passing in new data, e.g. which tab is currently selected. Because you're using a widget with the same key, Flutter will keep the state but swap out the widget wrapping w/ the new data as constructor args. When that new widget wrapper is in place, Flutter will call didUpdateWidget so that you can use the new data to update the existing widgets, e.g. the selected tab.

This example shows off the selected tab on a TabBarView but you can use it for any nested content of a page your app navigates to.

Keeping State#

When doing nested navigation, the user expects that widgets will be in the same state that they left them in when they navigated to a new page and return, e.g. scroll position, text input values, etc. You can enable support for this by using AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin on a stateful widget. You can see this in action in the FamilyView of the nested_nav.dart example:

class FamilyView extends StatefulWidget {
  const FamilyView({required this.family, Key? key}) : super(key: key);
  final Family family;

  State<FamilyView> createState() => _FamilyViewState();

/// Use the [AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin] to keep the state.
class _FamilyViewState extends State<FamilyView>
    with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin {

  // Override `wantKeepAlive` when using `AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin`.
  bool get wantKeepAlive => true;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // Call `super.build` when using `AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin`.
    return ListView(
      children: [
        for (final p in widget.family.people)
            title: Text(p.name),
            onTap: () =>

To instruct the AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin to keep the state, you need to override wantKeepAlive to return true and call super.build in the State class's build method, as show above.

keeping state example

Notice that after scrolling to the bottom of the long list of children in the Hunting family, then going to another tab and then going to another page, when you return to the list of Huntings that the scroll position is maintained.