
Default configurations#

The engine comes with default H2 embedded file-based database which you can change to your preffered datasource in application.yml

Internally the engine uses a simple session manager: ConcurrentMapCache which resets everytime you restart the service.

For a persistant or more advanced session / cache manager consider using HazelCast or Redis for persistent cache or any of your preffered choice.

Getting Started#

Open the project with IntelliJ or any IDE of your choice and install the dependencies. This project uses maven.

Default running port is 8080

Set your WhatsApp credentials in the database by making a POST request to


    "accessToken": "",
    "hubToken": "",
    "phoneNumberId": "",
    "apiVersion": "v18.0"

Thats all, you can now play around with your configured message templates and check your bot in action 🙂.