General Hooks

This section will show how the general hooks are processed, These hooks include:

  • on-receive
  • on-generate
  • template
  • middleware
  • validator

Any hook can have other business logic in it e.g A template hook can return the required dynamic data but it may also have logic to do other processes on it. E.g save some data to user session or call another service. A middleware hook might validate some input etc

Consider the example for on-receive below

The example below works for on-receive, on-generate, middleware, validator hooks

Example Hook: On-Receive#

  type: text
  on-receive: "rest:"
  message: "Type `yes` to receive a Slack notification from us"
    "yes": "next-stage"

When user responds and on-receive is defined, the hook is processed.

To define REST API based hooks, prefix them with rest:

Each rest based hook must be a POST request which accepts a HookArgs object

Consider a sample rest hook

on-receive hook: Notify