Getting Started

JAWCE supports writing chatbot messages in YAML format. This means you can write your conversation flows in a familiar format and it will be rendered on the WhatsApp channel. I chose YAML apart from JSON because it is strict 😏 that's all.

Alongside this, you may notice the file extension for your templates is .yaml or .yml. This is because they are both valid YAML file extensions 😐.


Most chatbots have a start word(s) or just a keyword that can trigger a certain flow to kick in. For example, most chatbots may trigger a GREETING message template when a user sends start or hi message. In this situation, you want the bot to respond back whenever user sends this messages. These are the triggers as you may have expected.

Triggers are global and they are the ones to be evaluated first before any stages that you define in your templates folder.

"MAIN_MENU": "re:^start$"

The triggers above mean that, whenever user types start - render the MAIN_MENU template to user

To define regex triggers, always prefix them with re: Learn more under Hooks section.

Its prefferable to have your triggers as exact regex to avoid unexpected responses 😕.


These are the backbone of the engine. Whats is a chatbot if we dont have conversations with the users.

This is where you add your chatbot brains and define its conversation flow.

Templates are predictable, are defined in "STAGES" or "STEPS" or "FLOW" whatever you want to call it, to make it easy to know where to go from 1 conversation to another. There are a couple of hooks you can define on your template - will cover hooks in the next section. These hooks will extend the functionality of your template as you desire. There are different message types in WhatsApp Message Types.

The engine supports some type and some .. well you can contribute if progress is slow 🫣 ..

The engine currently supports the following types

  • text
  • button
  • list
  • flow
  • dynamic - dynamically created template of any of the above types

Example bot: Booking Chatbot#

Imagine we have a chatbot which manages booking for a System demonstration to interested clients.

We can have a start menu (first step) as below

  type: button
    body: "Hi, I am JAWCE 🤖, your ERP System booking assistant.\n\nWhat would you like to do today?"
      - Book Demo
      - Help
    "book demo": "BOOK_STAGE"
    "help": "HELP_MENU"

A lot is happening here, but lets break it down.

The type - specifies that this template should show as a button message on the end user.

The message - message to show the user, like a button body

The buttons - the buttons to show to the user which the user will select

The routes - to know where to go when user selects any of the button options we gave them. The routes maps the user response to the next stage defined in your templates folder.

By now you can picture what the above is doing. You can name your stages any way you want, numbers or text - your choice.

This will be the chatbot conversation brain and it will be hopping from 1 stage to the other as you define it 😀.