
Custom Domains

Custom domain support with docs.page allows you to serve your documentation content through any domain (or subdomain) you own rather than via the https://docs.page domain.

You can see a custom domain in action by viewing the Melos repository documentation, using the melos.invertase.dev subdomain.


A couple of manual steps are required before you can serve docs via your custom domain.

1. Domain DNS#

The first step is to point your domain at our domains service via a CNAME record. Using your domain provider, create a DNS record:

invertase.devrecord typevalue

Subdomains are also supported:

invertase.devrecord typevalue

If you are using a proxy service (e.g., Cloudflare), ensure you disable the proxy to allow the docs.page proxy service to provide SSL for you.

2. Add domain#

Create a Pull Request to modify the domains.json file at the root of the docs.page repository.

Create a new array entry, adding your domain followed by the GitHub organization and repository, for example:

[["melos.invertase.dev", "invertase/melos"]]

Once your Pull Request is approved and DNS has been propagated, you are ready to start using your custom domain.

Existing documentation#

If your users have already been visiting your documentation via the docs.page domain, (e.g. https://docs.page/invertase/melos) and you add a custom domain at a later date, visitors will still be able to view the documentation, however all internal page links will point towards the new domain.

This ensures adding a domain has no impact on users visiting saved URLs.

Local development#

If you are contributing to the docs.page project whilst running a page with a custom domain, you'll need to modify your local hosts to locally map the domain:       melos.invertase.dev

docs.page will automatically handle ports during local development.