
Learn how to deploy your Jaspr site to any hosting provider.

A website built with Jaspr can be deployed to nearly any standard web hosting provider. The form of deployment depends on your chosen Rendering Mode:

  • static: Deploy your pre-rendered site to any static hosting provider.
  • server: Deploy your server application to any Dart hosting provider or containerized hosting service using Docker.
  • client: Deploy your site to any static hosting provider.

Static Hosting

With static or client mode you will have a purely static site after running jaspr build. This means that you can just take the /build/jaspr folder and deploy it to any static hosting provider.

Firebase Hosting

To deploy your site to Firebase Hosting follow these steps:

  1. Run jaspr build

  2. Run firebase init inside your project directory.

    1. Select the "Hosting" feature
    2. Set the public directory to build/jaspr
    3. For static mode select "No" when asked to configure as a single-page app, for client mode select "Yes"
    4. Select "No" when asked to override index.html.
  3. Run firebase deploy

There is no additional step to add Flutter support. After it's been deployed a Page Not Found page from Firebase may be shown initially but afterwards your website will be shown.

Github Pages

With Github Pages you can automatically deploy your when you push to a configured repository and branch. Since you need to run jaspr build before deploying, it's recommended to set up a custom Github Actions workflow to build and deploy your site automatically when pushed.

First we set up the repository to deploy from your repository:

This will roughly follow the steps from this guide of the official documentation.

  1. Go to your repository and open "Settings" -> "Pages"
  2. Set the "Source" to "GitHub Actions"
  3. Find the suggested "Static HTML" workflow and click "Configure"
  4. Edit the default workflow script to the following:
    1. After the "Setup Pages" step add the following two step:
      - name: "Setup Dart"
        uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1.3
      - name: "Build Jaspr"
        run: |
          dart pub global activate jaspr_cli
          jaspr build --verbose
    2. In the "Upload artifact" step change the "path" variable to build/jaspr
         # Upload only jaspr build output
         path: 'build/jaspr'
  5. Click "Commit changes" and commit the new workflow file.

Modifying the code

If you are deploying from the special <username> repository you are all set and you can view your deployed site at https://<username>

If you are deploying from any other repository, the site url will be http://<username><repository>. For this to correctly load all files you need to set the <base> url of your site to the repository name.

In static mode, provide the base parameter to the Document constructor:

  base: '<repository>',
  body: /* ... */

In client mode, add the <base> element to index.html inside <head>:

    <base href="/<repository>/"/>

Finally, make sure all links and asset paths are relative urls (they don't start with '/').

Flutter support

If your project is depending on either flutter for element embedding or jaspr_web_compilers you need to modify the created workflow file to also pull in flutter, otherwise the build will result in an error.

  • After the "Setup Dart" step add the following step:
    - name: "Setup Flutter"
      uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
  • Commit and push the file.

Server Hosting

With server mode jaspr build will generate a server executable app.exe and an additional assets folder web/ to /build/jaspr. When deploying this executable, make sure to deploy the asset folder with it.


Docker is a very common tool for containerizing any application to run it virtually anywhere. Lots of cloud hosting services support deploying docker containers, like:

The main thing to set up when using docker is the Dockerfile, a build script that creates the container image.

Create a new file called Dockerfile (no extension) at the root directory of your project with the following content:

# Use the official dart docker image as our build image.
FROM dart:stable as build

# Activate the jaspr cli.
RUN dart pub global activate jaspr_cli

# Copy all files into the current image.
COPY . .

# Resolve app dependencies.
RUN rm -f pubspec_overrides.yaml
RUN dart pub get

# Build project
RUN dart pub global run jaspr_cli:jaspr build --verbose

# Use a new empty docker image, this will be the final container image.
FROM scratch

# Copy all the needed runtime libraries for dart.
COPY --from=build /runtime/ /
# Copy the build outputs for your site.
COPY --from=build /app/build/jaspr/ /app/


# Start the server.
CMD ["./app"]

Running docker build from your project directory will then build a container image that you can deploy.

Flutter support

If your project is depending on either flutter for element embedding or jaspr_web_compilers you need to modify the Dockerfile to also have flutter installed in the build image, otherwise the build will result in an error.

First change the first lines to the following:

# We need a docker image that has flutter installed.
FROM as build

Next replace the script starting from "FROM scratch" with the following:

# This image is additionally needed for the dart runtime libs.
FROM dart:stable as dart

# Use a new empty docker image, this will be the final container image.
FROM scratch

# Copy all the needed runtime libraries for dart.
COPY --from=dart /runtime/ /
# Copy the build outputs for your site.
COPY --from=build /app/build/jaspr/ /app/


# Start the server.
CMD ["./app"]