
Important notes on date serialization, table headers, and more.

Serialization problem when calling the backend

AppScript has a bit of a problem with serialization, and as this library attempts (poorly) to manage all the fields with js primitives, when you try to retrieve something from the backend, say a Date, it will not pass anything.


Let's say you have the following Order table

const orderTableConfig;

function initOrderTable(){
  orderTableConfig = {
    tableName: "ORDER",
    historyTableName: "DELETED_ORDER",
    fields : {
      transaction_id: "number",
      date_valid: "date",
      date_arrived: "date",
      completed: "boolean"



If you wanted to get all the records of the table you would do something like this:
    "Ups!", "Something went wrong: err "+ err.message, "error")

In fact, it wont return anything. It will print out null or undefined in the console. The reason being that the GoogleAppsScript Serialization Engine doesn't know how to handle Date() types when returning them from a function call to the .gs file.

The Workaround

Just return everything over a JSON.stringify(record), and the de-serialize it in the client JSON.parse(record).

The function then would look like this:
    "Ups!", "Something went wrong: err "+ err.message, "error")
              response = JSON.parse(response)
              // { code: 200, message: [all yout data parsed]}

And yes this is inefficient, it's prone to errors and if don't properly catch all the exceptions that your code throws, prepare to be seing this all time classic

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}', "}" is not valid JSON
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at <anonymous>:1:6

But hey, who did told you to use javascript? if you wanted type-safety, better error management and 0 bloat in your code, you should have known better.

My personal recomendation

Using javascript is purely a skill issue, git gud.

2. The way the tables are created

Whenever the library creates tables, it automatically includes two default columns at the beginning: [ID, DATE]. The library expects that any table included in the schema context also begins with these two columns in the sheet.

So, your sheet should look like this:

alt text

Why, you ask?

Well, i found those 2 fields to be pretty useful when using any of the CRUD operations on any table i was making, so i just put them as the default columns on every creation.

The important Bit

As those fields are the default and are expected you DO NOT have to declare them when creating the tableConfig objects.

Bad tableConfig:

orderTableConfig = {
    tableName: "ORDER",
    historyTableName: "DELETED_ORDER",
    fields : {
      id: "number", //shouldn't be here
      date: "date", //shouldn't be here
      transaction_id: "number",
      date_valid: "date",
      date_arrived: "date",
      completed: "boolean"

Expected tableConfig

orderTableConfig = {
    tableName: "ORDER",
    historyTableName: "DELETED_ORDER",
    fields : {
      transaction_id: "number",
      date_valid: "date",
      date_arrived: "date",
      completed: "boolean"


As mentioned, the library expects the [ID, DATE] fields to be the first two columns of any table. Additionally, it is important that the tables passed to the schema context adhere to the following conventions:

  1. The column headers must be in the first row of the sheet.
  2. All headers should be written in ALL_CAPS.
  3. Headers should use snake_case for naming (e.g., date_valid, transaction_id).
  4. The fields object in tableConfig should follow the same order as the columns in the table.

These conventions ensure work as expected.

Okay Sergeant Buzzkill, i got it 😒

alt text

Yes, there are too many caveats, i know, but as the library improves, so will it's flexibility. Please be patient or better yet, make a pull request!