
session / cache management

The session manager handles only 1 task: to manage (save, retrieve, delete) user and engine abitrary data

It stores engine data which keeps track of where the user is in your conversational flows.

WCE comes with default SessionManager implementations out-of-the-box

Pywce Default implementation

  • Dict based session manager

Jawce Default implementations

  • FileBasedSessionManager
  • CaffeineSessionManager
  • HazelcastSessionManager
  • LMDBSessionManager

You can use any of the default implementations or switch any of them at any time.

Session methods

All session managers implements a single ISessionManager interface. You must implement this class for your own session management logic.

See a Java interface representation of ISessionManager below. This is the same class or Python abstract class too

ISessionManager.session(<session-id>) must return a ISessionManager instance.

Nomatter how many times it called, it should return the session object of the passed session-id

public interface ISessionManager {
    ISessionManager session(String user);

    void save(String user, String key, Object data);

    Object get(String user, String key);

    // get all user data
    Map<String, Object> fetchAll(String user);

    // remove data by key
    void evict(String user, String key);

    void clear(String user);

    // save non-user related data - accessible to all users
    void saveGlobal(String key, Object data);

    void evictGlobal(String key);

    // clear all user data except keys in > retain array
    void clear(String user, List<String> retain);

    // remove prop data by key
    boolean evictProp(String user, String propKey);

    Object getFromProps(String user, String propKey);

    Map<String, Object> getUserProps(String user);

    void saveProp(String user, String key, Object data);

    // ---  utility methods
    <T> T get(String user, String key, Class<T> type);

    <T> T getGlobal(String key, Class<T> type);

    <T> T getFromProps(String user, String propKey, Class<T> propType);

ISessionManager and its default implementations can be used independently.

You can use this the session manager without tying it to the engine.