
@notifee/react-native / NotificationFullScreenAction

Interface: NotificationFullScreenAction

The interface used to describe a full-screen action for a notification.

By setting a fullScreenAction, when the notification is displayed, it will launch a full-screen intent.

On Android; when provided to a notification action, the action will only open you application if a launchActivity and/or a mainComponent is provided.

Requires the following permission to be added to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT" />

Please see the FullScreen Action document to learn more.



id: string

The unique ID for the action.

The id property is used to differentiate between full-screen actions. When listening to notification events, the ID can be read from the event.detail.notification.android.fullScreenAction object.


optional launchActivity: string

The custom Android Activity to launch on a full-screen action.

This property can be used in advanced scenarios to launch a custom Android Activity when the user performs a full-screen action.

View the Android Full Screen docs to learn more.




optional launchActivityFlags: AndroidLaunchActivityFlag[]

Custom flags that are added to the Android Intent that launches your Activity.

These are only required if you need to customise the behaviour of how your activities are launched; by default these are not required.




optional mainComponent: string

A custom registered React component to launch on press action.

This property can be used to open a custom React component when the notification is displayed. For this to correctly function on Android, a minor native code change is required.

View the Full-screen Action document to learn more.

