
The debug menu is a tool that allows you to test and debug your app's ad experience. It can be used to:

await mobileAds().openDebugMenu(AD_UNIT_ID);

Ad Inspector

Ad inspector is an in-app overlay that enables authorized devices to perform real-time analysis of test ad requests directly within a mobile app.

Using ad inspector, you can:

  • Inspect your ad units
  • Check whether your ads are filling as expected
  • Identify errors and view details about how to resolve them
  • View the details for each Open Bidding ad network per request
  • View the mediation details for each ad network per request
  • Test individual third-party Open Bidding or waterfall mediation ad sources
  • Verify that you've correctly configured each ad unit for Open Bidding and waterfall mediation

To see more information about ad inspector, see the official documentation.

Launch ad inspector

Ad inspector can be launched from anywhere in your app. There are three different ways to launch ad inspector.

  1. Use the launch button from the debug menu.
  2. Use the gesture that you selected in the ad inspector settings.
  3. Programmatically using the provided API.

More information about laucnhing ad inspector is available in official documentation.

Launch programmatically

Ad inspector can be launched programmatically with the openAdInspector method in the MobileAds instance.

try {
  await MobileAds().openAdInspector();
  // The promise will resolve when the inspector is closed.
} catch (error) {
  // The promise will reject if ad inspector is closed due to an error.