
Spec builds on-top of existing Dart & Flutter testing tools to provide a streamlined & elegant testing environment. Spec provides both a CLI tool and Dart package.

Getting Started#


Spec CLI works alongside normal Dart test matchers, however also ships with custom matchers, see the API reference docs.

Example of testing using Spec matchers:

import 'package:spec/spec.dart';

void main() {
  test('future example', () async {
    final future = Future.value(42);
    await expect(future).completion.toEqual(42);
    await expect(future).throws.isArgumentError();

  test('stream example', () async {
    final stream = Stream.value(42);
    await expect(stream).emits.toEqual(42);
    await expect(stream).emits.isNull();
    await expect(stream).emits.not.isNull();
    await expect(stream).emitsError.isArgumentError();

  test('function example', () {
    void throwsFn() => throw Error();


Spec comes with an optional CLI, the Spec CLI allows you to run the spec command from your CLI environment and run your tests:

  • Intuitive testing output interface, inspired by Jest.
  • Interactive CLI (via spec --watch); automatically re-run tests when source code changes & rerunning of only failed tests.
  • Run both Dart & Flutter tests in parallel with a single command.
  • Run tests from multiple packages at the same time using Melos.



dart pub global activate spec_cli


Run tests:


Run tests in interactive mode:

spec --watch

Interactive mode supports a number of keyboard shortcuts:

Watch Usage:
 › Press f to run only failed tests.
 › Press t to filter by a test name regex pattern.
 › Press q to quit watch mode.
 › Press Enter to trigger a test run.