useRef methods

The library exposes some methods within the Turnstile ref, in order to interact with the widget.

getResponse()Returns the widget’s response token.string
getResponsePromise()Returns the widget’s response as a promise, it waits until the widget is rendered and solved. It has a timeout of 30 seconds.Promise<string>
reset()Resets the widget. Useful if a given widget has timed out, expired or needs to be reloaded.void
remove()Fully removes the Turnstile widget from the DOM.void
render()Renders the widget. Since all widgets are rendered automatically, this only takes effect if the widget was previously removed. If the widget is already rendered, this method will not re-render the widget.void
execute()If options.execution is set to 'execute', this method is used to render the widget. If the widget is already shown (rendered and executed), this method will not re-render the widget. If the widget got removed (.remove()), you need to call .render() and then .execute(). If options.execution is set to 'render' (default), this method has no effect.void
isExpired()Returns true if the widget has expired.boolean
import { Turnstile } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

export default function Widget() {
  const ref = React.useRef()

  return (
      <Turnstile ref={ref} siteKey='1x00000000000000000000AA' />
      <button onClick={ref.current?.reset}>Reset widget</button>