
๐Ÿšง WIP ๐Ÿšง

For a simple Router component, use the jaspr_router package.

dart pub add jaspr_router

Use can use the Router component for some basic routing. It takes a list of Routes or optionally a onGenerateRoute callback.

A simple use looks like this:

import 'pages/home.dart';
import 'pages/about.dart' ;

class App extends StatelessComponent {
  Iterable<Component> build(BuildContext context) sync* {
    yield Router(
      routes: [
        Route('/', (context) => Home()),
        Route('/about', (context) => About()),

To push a new route call Router.of(context).push('/path'); inside your child components. Similarly you can call .replace() or .back().

๐Ÿจ Lazy Routes & Code Splitting

For larger web apps, we don't want to load everything together, but rather split our pages into smaller chunks. jaspr can do this automatically using LazyRoutes and deferred imports.

To use lazy routes, change the above code to the following:

import 'pages/home.dart' deferred as home;
import 'pages/about.dart' deferred as about;

class App extends StatelessComponent {
  Iterable<Component> build(BuildContext context) sync* {
    yield Router(
      routes: [
        Route.lazy('/', (context) => home.Home(), home.loadLibrary),
        Route.lazy('/about', (context) => About(), about.loadLibrary),

This will lazy load the appropriate javascript files for each route when navigating to it. You can also mix normal and lazy routes.