Flutter Architectural Patterns: How They Differ from Clean Framework

Since we've gone over Clean Architecture and Clean Framework, along with some of the things that make them unique among the available software architectures, hopefully you now have a good understanding of how Clean Framework makes app development easier with Flutter for a wide range of cases. However, what might some of the differences between Clean Framework and other patterns such as MVVM, MVC, and BLoC be? We're going to take a stab at answering that question below.


  1. MVVM Overview:

    • MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel. It separates the UI (View) from the business logic (ViewModel) and data handling (Model).
    • It's known for its strong data-binding capabilities.
  2. MVVM vs Clean Framework:

    • Structure: MVVM centers around the ViewModel, which acts as a data binder between the Model and View. In contrast, Clean Framework employs a multi-layered approach including Entities, Use Cases, and Presenters.
    • State Management: MVVM uses data-binding for state management, whereas Clean Framework utilizes immutable state management with an emphasis on unidirectional data flow.
    • Use Case: MVVM is ideal for complex UI applications, while clean_framework is better suited for large-scale applications where business logic and scalability are of paramount importance.


  1. MVC Overview:

    • MVC, or Model-View-Controller, is one of the oldest design patterns, dividing the application into three interconnected components.
    • MVC is more commonly used in web and desktop application development, although it occasionally sees usage in Flutter mobile development as well.
  2. MVC vs Clean Framework:

    • Component Interaction: In MVC, the Controller mediates between the View and Model. In Clean Framework, the separation is more defined with distinct layers for business rules (Entities), business logic (Use Cases), and UI (Presenters and Views).
    • Focus: MVC often mixes business and UI logic in Controllers, whereas Clean Framework strictly separates business logic from UI concerns.
    • Application Suitability: MVC is a go-to for web applications with a lower level of complexity, whereas Clean Framework excels in complex and large-scale applications requiring a high degree of maintainability.

BLoC vs Clean Framework

  1. BLoC Overview:

    • BLoC (Business Logic Component) is a Flutter-specific pattern that utilizes reactive programming principles for state management.
    • It's designed to separate business logic from the UI, using streams and sinks.
  2. BLoC vs Clean Framework:

    • State Management: BLoC uses streams (reactive programming) for state management, which differs from Clean Framework's approach of using immutable states and unidirectional data flow.
    • Reactivity: BLoC is inherently reactive whereas Clean Framework doesn't inherently focus on reactive patterns.
    • Suitability: BLoC is more suited toward UI-heavy apps, whereas Clean Framework is more centered around overall application architecture, focusing on long-term maintenance and scalability.


Ultimately, choosing the right architectural pattern in Flutter development hinges on the project's specific needs. Clean Framework stands out for its adherence to Clean Architecture, offering a structured and scalable approach ideal for complex applications. Each pattern has areas where they shine, and each has its drawbacks. In developing Clean Framework, we've tried to take a variety of different use cases into account. Overall, hopefully we've shown some of the pros and cons of some of the most popular software development patterns, and how Clean Framework is a solid choice for a variety of different application types.