Flutter Packages
Packages are reusable libraries of code in dart. Anyone can create a package and upload it to pub.dev. We use several packages of our own creation, as well as others.
There is lots of good documentation on pub.dev for each package. You can usually also browse the API reference from a link on the pub.dev page.
To use a package add a line to your pubspec.yaml
in the root of the flutter project.
This line contains the package name followed by a colon and a version number.
The ^
means any package that is compatible with that version.
Since we are usually pretty flexible with the version and are constantly updating our code,
sometimes you'll see the key any
which specifies that we are okay with any version.
This will fetch the latest version from pub.dev
your_package_name: ^0.0.1
another_package: any
Quick packages: TODO: Add in common_widgets and common_utils
sdk: flutter
riverpod: any
flutter_hooks: any
dartx: any
async: any
dartos: any
json_annotation: any
freezed_annotation: any
sdk: flutter
json_serializable: any
build_runner: any
freezed: any
- flutter create .
- rm -r android
- rm -r ios
- flutter run -d macos
- flutter run -d Linux
- flutter run -d Windows
- flutter run -d chrome --web-port=8080 --web-hostname=localhost
- flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
- flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
New Packages To Start Using
Currently we aren't using everywhere, but probably should use (in order of usefulness in day-to-day work):
- dartx
- flutter_hooks
- basics
- derry
- freezed
- breakpoint
- flutter_launcher_icons -- however, this fork is currently needed to generate icons for web
Custom Packages
- dartros Tim created this package to bring ROS to dart
- dart_statistics Used in the proficiency assessment work, with the mouse-cheese world flutter application
Sawyer Faces
- flare_flutter (Animation framework) Need to move faces and the runtime to the rive runtime (which is version 2.0 of flare)
- rive
- Rive Web App (for creating the animations)
State Management Recommendations
Immutable states are highly recommended to avoid two mutations that cause inconsistent state. See the freezed package for my recommendation on making states immutable. Also, recommended to design with the goal in mind of making illegal states unrepresentable. See this tutorial series for more info. (It shows very good clean architecture principles)
For UI related state, (animations / text controllers, etc) please use flutter_hooks
- StateNotifier along with riverpod