
AI - AI is the gamemode where an AI gainst another AI.

The system to play with the physical robot is described in system requirements


  • Strategy Communication

  • No Communication

Strategy Communication

During this mode, AIs will send proposals of strategy

No Communication

During this mode, AIs will not send any proposals of strategy at all.

Game Phases

  • Negotiation Proposal

  • Set Up

  • Take Actions

  • Scoring

Phase Explaination

Negotiation Proposal

Currently all negotiations need to be made before the game is set up. This is something that will be eliminated with the new updates of continuous speech though.

To propose a negotiation, an AI can send or more of the listed speech acts shown below.

Speech Acts

Set Up

To set up the game, all the blocks are placed in the play area. On the GUI, this is done automatically when a round finishes.

Take Actions

During each round, AIs take turns claiming a block until each player has 3 blocks. When they claim a block, it is placed in their play area.


Once 3 blocks have been claimed, they are scored automatically and the score is added to their total score.

Scoring is calculated by adding the values of each of the blocks claimed. If the blocks make a valid set, the sum is then added to the total score, if it is an invalid set, 1/4 of the sum is subtracted from the total score.

In The Block Game there are 4 main types of cooperation, as depicted below:

  • Dysfunctional
  • Domination
  • Aloof
  • Efficient

Dysfunctional Cooperation is when both players lose money during the round meaning that they prevented each other from getting valid sets.

Domination is when one player gets significantly more money than the other for multiple rounds.

Aloof Cooperation is when both players get money, but it is not the optimum amount.

Efficient Cooperation is when both players manage to cooperate to get the most money possible.
