Detect Clicks

home_widget offers functionality to check if your App was launched by clicking on an element in the HomeScreen Widget.

Note that this is not for Interactive Widgets. For this please check the relevant documentation here.

To detect this in your App there are two methods:

For when your App is started from the very background check:


this will return a Future<Uri?> with the Uri that was used to start the App.

When your App is already running all Widget clicks are broadcast to a Stream provided via:


which is a Stream<Uri?> that you can listen to to detect App Launches from the Widget.title

Platform Setup

In the following section you can learn how to add the necessary configurations to your native Widgets in order for clicks to bet detectable by home_widget.title


Add .widgetUrl to your WidgetComponent

    .widgetURL(URL(string: "homeWidgetExample://message?message=\(entry.message)&homeWidget"))

In order to only detect Widget Links you need to add the queryParameterhomeWidget to the URL


Add an IntentFilter to the Activity Section in your AndroidManifest

    <action android:name="es.antonborri.home_widget.action.LAUNCH" />

Add the following modifier to your Widget (import from HomeWidget)

   style = TextStyle(fontSize = 18.sp),
   modifier = GlanceModifier.clickable(
     onClick = actionStartActivity<MainActivity>(