Booking ChatBot
A look into real-world bot templates
Imagine we have a chatbot which manages System demo booking to interested clients.
We can have a start menu (first step) as below
type: button
body: |
Hi, I am WCE 🤖, your ERP System booking assistant.
What would you like to do today?"
- Book a demo
- Help
"book a demo": "BOOK_STAGE"
"help": "HELP_MENU"
A lot is happening here, but let's break it down.
The type
- Specifies that this template should show as a button message on the end user on WhatsApp.
The message
- Message to show the user, like a button body
The buttons
- The buttons to show to the user which the user will select / click
The routes
- To know where to go when user selects any of the button options we presented them.
The routes maps the user response to the next stage defined in your templates
Let's see more templates
type: button
body: "Start your system demo booking request by clicking the start button"
footer: ERP Demo
- Start
- Return
"start": 1000
"return": "MAIN_MENU"
By now you can picture what the above is doing.
This will be the chatbot conversation brain and it will be hopping from 1 stage to the other as you define it 😀.
PS: The templates above you might not need to understand what each part works, we will look into that in later sections