Interface: NotificationAndroid

The interface for Android specific options which are applied to a notification.

To learn more about Android notifications, view the Android documentation for full examples and usage.





optional actions: AndroidAction[]

An array of AndroidAction interfaces.

Adds quick actions to a notification. Quick Actions enable users to interact with your application directly from the notification body, providing an overall greater user experience.

View the Quick Actions documentation for more information.


optional asForegroundService: boolean

When set to true this notification will be shown as a foreground service.

The application can only display one foreground service notification at once. If a foreground service notification is already running and a new notification with this flag set to true is provided, the service will stop the existing service and start a new one.

Ensure a foreground service runner function has been provided to registerForegroundService. Without one, the notification will not be displayed.

View the Foreground Service documentation for more information.

Defaults to false.


optional autoCancel: boolean

Setting this flag will make it so the notification is automatically canceled when the user presses it in the panel.

By default when the user taps a notification it is automatically removed from the notification panel. Setting this to false will keep the notification in the panel.

If false, the notification will persist in the notification panel after being pressed. It will remain there until the user removes it (e.g. swipes away) or is cancelled via cancelNotification.

Defaults to true.


optional badgeCount: number

Overrides the current number of active notifications shown on the device.

If no number is provided, the system displays the current number of active notifications.


optional badgeIconType: AndroidBadgeIconType

Sets the type of badge used when the notification is being displayed in badge mode.

View the Badges documentation for more information and usage examples.

Defaults to AndroidBadgeIconType.LARGE.


android API Level >= 26


optional category: AndroidCategory

Assigns the notification to a category. Use the one which best describes the notification.

The category may be used by the device for ranking and filtering. It has no visual or behavioural impact.


optional channelId: string

Specifies the AndroidChannel which the notification will be delivered on.

On Android 8.0 (API 26) the channel ID is required. Providing a invalid channel ID will throw an error. View the Channels & Groups documentation for more information and usage examples.


optional chronometerDirection: "up" | "down"

If showChronometer is true, the direction of the chronometer can be changed to count down instead of up.

Has no effect if showChronometer is false.

Defaults to up.


optional circularLargeIcon: boolean

Whether the large icon should be circular.

If true, the large icon will be rounded in the shape of a circle.

Defaults to false.


optional color: string

Set an custom accent color for the notification. If not provided, the default notification system color will be used.

The color can be a predefined system AndroidColor or hexadecimal.

View the Color documentation for more information.


optional colorized: boolean

When asForegroundService is true, the notification will use the provided color property to set a background color on the notification. This property has no effect when asForegroundService is false.

This should only be used for high priority ongoing tasks like navigation, an ongoing call, or other similarly high-priority events for the user.

View the Foreground Service documentation for more information.

Defaults to false.


optional defaults: AndroidDefaults[]

For devices without notification channel support, this property sets the default behaviour for a notification.

On API Level >= 26, this has no effect.

See AndroidDefaults for more information.


android API Level < 26


optional flags: AndroidFlags[]

Set any additional flags


optional foregroundServiceTypes: AndroidForegroundServiceType[]

Set the foreground service types identifying the work done by the service

View the Foreground service types documentation to learn more.


optional fullScreenAction: NotificationFullScreenAction

The fullScreenAction property allows you to show a custom UI in full screen when the notification is displayed.

View the FullScreenAction documentation to learn more.


optional groupAlertBehavior: AndroidGroupAlertBehavior

Sets the group alert behavior for this notification. Use this method to mute this notification if alerts for this notification's group should be handled by a different notification. This is only applicable for notifications that belong to a groupId. This must be called on all notifications you want to mute. For example, if you want only the summary of your group to make noise, all children in the group should have the group alert behavior AndroidGroupAlertBehavior.SUMMARY.

View the Android Grouping & Sorting guide documentation to learn more.


optional groupId: string

Set this notification to be part of a group of notifications sharing the same key. Grouped notifications may display in a cluster or stack on devices which support such rendering.

On some devices, the system may automatically group notifications.

View the Android Grouping & Sorting guide documentation to learn more.


optional groupSummary: boolean

Whether this notification should be a group summary.

If true, Set this notification to be the group summary for a group of notifications. Grouped notifications may display in a cluster or stack on devices which support such rendering. Requires a groupId key to be set.

Defaults to false.


optional importance: AndroidImportance

Set a notification importance for devices without channel support.

Devices using Android API Level < 26 have no channel support, meaning incoming notifications won't be assigned an importance level from the channel. If your application supports devices without channel support, set this property to directly assign an importance level to the incoming notification.

Defaults to AndroidImportance.DEFAULT.

View the Appearance documentation to learn more.


android API Level < 26


optional inputHistory: string[]

The local user input history for this notification.

Input history is shown on supported devices below the main notification body. History of the users input with the notification should be shown when receiving action input by updating the existing notification. It is recommended to clear the history when it is no longer relevant (e.g. someone has responded to the users input).


optional largeIcon: string | number | object

A local file path using the 'require()' method or a remote http to the picture to display.

Sets a large icon on the notification.

View the Android Appearance documentation to learn more about this property.


optional lights: [string, number, number]

Sets the color and frequency of the light pattern. This only has effect on supported devices.

The option takes an array containing a hexadecimal color value or predefined AndroidColor, along with the number of milliseconds to show the light, and the number of milliseconds to turn off the light. The light frequency pattern is repeated.

View the Lights documentation for more information.


optional lightUpScreen: boolean

When set to true the screen will light up when the notification is displayed.

Defaults to false.


optional localOnly: boolean

Sets whether the notification will only appear on the local device.

Users who have connected devices which support notifications (such as a smart watch) will receive an alert for the notification on that device. If set to true, the notification will only alert on the main device.

Defaults to false.


optional loopSound: boolean

Set whether the sound should loop, by default, the sound will only play once.

This property is useful if you have an ongoing notification.


optional ongoing: boolean

Set whether this is an on-going notification.

Setting this value to true changes the default behaviour of a notification:

  • Ongoing notifications are sorted above the regular notifications in the notification panel.
  • Ongoing notifications do not have an 'X' close button, and are not affected by the "Clear all" button.

View the Ongoing documentation for more information.


optional onlyAlertOnce: boolean

Notifications with the same id will only show a single instance at any one time on your device, however will still alert the user (for example, by making a sound).

If this flag is set to true, notifications with the same id will only alert the user once whilst the notification is visible.

This property is commonly used when frequently updating a notification (such as updating the progress bar).


optional pressAction: NotificationPressAction

By default notifications have no behaviour when a user presses them. The pressAction property allows you to set what happens when a user presses the notification.

View the Interaction documentation to learn more.


optional progress: AndroidProgress

A notification can show current progress of a task. The progress state can either be fixed or indeterminate (unknown).

View the Progress Indicators documentation to learn more.


optional showChronometer: boolean

Shows a counting timer on the notification, useful for on-going notifications such as a phone call.

If no timestamp is provided, a counter will display on the notification starting from 00:00. If a timestamp is provided, the number of hours/minutes/seconds since that have elapsed since that value will be shown instead.

Defaults to false.

View the Timers documentation to learn more.


optional showTimestamp: boolean

Sets whether the timestamp provided is shown in the notification.

Setting this field is useful for notifications which are more informative with a timestamp, such as an E-Mail.

If no timestamp is set, this field has no effect.

View the Timestamps documentation to learn more.


optional smallIcon: string

The small icon to show in the heads-up notification.

View the Icons documentation to learn more.


optional smallIconLevel: number

An additional level parameter for when the icon is an instance of a Android LevelListDrawable.


optional sortKey: string

Set a sort key that orders this notification among other notifications from the same package. This can be useful if an external sort was already applied and an app would like to preserve this. Notifications will be sorted lexicographically using this value, although providing different priorities in addition to providing sort key may cause this value to be ignored.

If a groupId has been set, the sort key can also be used to order members of a notification group.

View the Android Grouping & Sorting documentation to learn more.


optional sound: string

Overrides the sound the notification is displayed with.

The default value is to play no sound. To play the default system sound use 'default'.

This setting has no behaviour on Android after API level version 26, instead you can set the sound on the notification channels.

View the Sound documentation for more information.


android API Level < 26


optional style: AndroidBigPictureStyle | AndroidBigTextStyle | AndroidInboxStyle | AndroidMessagingStyle

Styled notifications provide users with more informative content and additional functionality.

Android supports different styles, however only one can be used with a notification.

View the Styles documentation to learn more view usage examples.


optional tag: string

Sets a tag on the notification.

Tags can be used to query groups notifications by the tag value. Setting a tag has no impact on the notification itself.


optional ticker: string

Text that summarizes this notification for accessibility services. As of the Android L release, this text is no longer shown on screen, but it is still useful to accessibility services (where it serves as an audible announcement of the notification's appearance).

Ticker text does not show in the notification.


optional timeoutAfter: number

Sets the time in milliseconds at which the notification should be automatically cancelled once displayed, if it is not already cancelled.


optional timestamp: number

The timestamp in milliseconds for this notification. Notifications in the panel are sorted by this time.

The timestamp can be used with other properties to change the behaviour of a notification:

  • Use with showTimestamp to show the timestamp to the users.
  • Use with showChronometer to create a on-going timer.

View the Timers documentation to learn more.


optional vibrationPattern: number[]

Sets the vibration pattern the notification uses when displayed. Must be an even amount of numbers.

View the Vibration documentation to learn more.


optional visibility: AndroidVisibility

Sets the visibility for this notification. This may be used for apps which show user sensitive information (e.g. a banking app).

Defaults to AndroidVisibility.PRIVATE.

View the Visibility documentation to learn more.