
This shows how to use TypeScript and styled-gen.

There are no extra configuration needed on your project tools only some optional setup that makes your styled components way more easy to set props on and turns styled-gen config easier.

Import and use the setup object types.

Use the provided types for generator object. This will allow your IDE to autocomplete the object.

import type { Generator } from 'styled-gen';

export const generator = {
} as const satisfies Generator;


typescript IDE autocomplete example 4

Create reusable types

  • Create a common Breakpoints type from breakpoints object keys

      import { breakpoints } from '../theme';
      export type Breakpoints = keyof typeof breakpoints;
  • Create a type for components with generateProps

      import type { GeneratorProps, Variations } from 'styled-gen';
      import { Breakpoints } from './common';
      import { generator } from '../theme';
      // Just provide the `namedProps` obj, the `variableProps` obj,
      // the `breakpoints` keys and the `transientPrefix` string
      // to the lib imported `GeneratorProps` type;
      export type GeneratedProps = GeneratorProps<
        typeof generateProps.namedProps,
        typeof generateProps.variableProps,
  • Create a type for components with variations

      import type { Variations, VariationProps as BaseVariationProps } from 'styled-gen';
      import { Breakpoints } from './common';
      // Create a manipulator type that recieves the keys from a
      // variation as type and a boolean for transient and pass them
      // to the imported from lib `VariationsProps` along with the
      // `breakpoints` keys and the transientString if `true`
      export type VariationProps<T extends Variations, TP extends boolean | undefined = true> = BaseVariationProps<
        TP extends true ? '$' : TP

Usage example:

import type { GeneratedProps } from './types/GeneratedProps';

import { generateProps } from 'styled-gen';
import styled from 'styled-components';

export const Div = styled.div<GeneratedProps>`
  // your css...

import type { VariationProps } from './types/VariationProps';

import { variations } from 'styled-gen';
import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';

const colorVariants = {
  default: css`
    background-color: #50are2;
    color: #ffffff;

  dark: css`
    background-color: #222222;
    color: #ffffff;

  light: css`
    background-color: #cccccc;
    color: #222222;

type ButtonType = VariationProps<typeof colorVariants>;

export const Button = styled.button<ButtonType>`
  height: 44px;
  padding: 8px 24px;



typescript IDE autocomplete example 2
typescript IDE autocomplete example 3
typescript IDE autocomplete example 4