
variableProps are props that expect a non-boolean value and can be a number, string, or a media query object with the following structure:

{ [breakpoint]: 'value' }

The 'breakpoint's must match the keys defined in your breakpoints object.

To configure the variableProps, you need to provide an array of objects to the generator with the following properties:

cssPropstringMust be an exact CSS property like color or font-weight.
helperFnfunctionA function that returns a CSS string. Only required if you're using helperFn instead of cssProp.
listobjectA list of { [key]: value } pairs, where the value represents the CSS value to be used for the corresponding key. If using helperFn, the value should match the arguments of the function separated by a space character.
namestringA simple string that represents the prop name to use in the component.
unitsstringAn optional unit value to be appended to any numeric values in the list.

Here's an example of variableProps in a generator object:

const colors = {
  n01: '#f4f4f4',
  n07: '#222222',
  p01: '#50a2e2'

export const generator = {
  // ...namedProps

  // ...spaceProps

  variableProps: [
    { cssProp: 'text-align', list: { center: 'center', left: 'left', right: 'right' }, name: 'textAlign' },
    { cssProp: 'background-color', list: colors, name: 'backgroundColor' }

Usage example

(assuming the transientPrefix config property is set to '$'):

import { generateProps } from 'styled-gen';
import styled from 'styled-components';

const Div = styled.div`
  // your CSS...


export const MyComp = () => (
  <Div $backgroundColor="p01">
    <h3>The background color of the wrapper div will be `#50a2e2`.</h3>

    <Div $textAlign={{ md: 'left', xs: 'center' }}>
      This content will be centered aligned from the `xs` media query and will change to left alignment above the `md` media query.

Alternatively, instead of using a cssProp, you can pass a helper function to the variableProps in the generator. The function should return a CSS string and its arguments should be separated by a space character:

import { css } from 'styled-components';

const handleSize = (height, width) => css`
  height: ${height};
  width: ${width || height};

export const generator = {
  // ...namedProps

  // ...spaceProps

  variableProps: [
    // ...variableProps
    { helperFn: handleSize, list: { large: '80vh 50vw', medium: 30, small: '400px 20' }, name: 'size', units: 'rem' }

Usage example:

  {/* ... */}
  <Div $size={{ lg: '100vh 50%', md: 40, xs: 'small' }}>
    This div should have a height of 400px and a width of 20rem up to the `md` breakpoint, a width and height of 40rem above that and up to the `lg` breakpoint, and finally a height of 100vh and a width of 50%.
  {/* ... */}