
The Response class represents an HTTP response with various properties such as status, status text, headers, body, and body type. The object is returned from an endpoint when a request is made. The class also has static methods for creating creating HTTP response objects with various content types.




  • Type - string (readonly)
  • Description - The status message for the corresponding status code. See HTTP response status codes for more information.


  • Type - Headers (readonly)
  • Description - The headers of the response, represented by an instance of the Headers class.


  • Type - Body (readonly)
  • Description - The body of the response, which can be undefined, a string, or a JSON object.


  • Type - keyof typeof BodyType (readonly)
  • Description - The type of the response body, represented as one of the keys of the BodyType enum.

Static Methods


static new(options?: Partial<Options>): Response
Creates a new response with no body.

  • options (optional): Partial configuration options for the response.
    • headers: The headers to include in the response.
    • status: The HTTP status code of the response.


static text<T extends { toString(): string }>(text: T, options?: Partial<Options>): Response
Creates a new response with a text body.

  • text: The text content for the response body. Can be an object with a toString method or a plain string.
  • options (optional): Partial configuration options for the response.
    • headers: The headers to include in the response.
    • status: The HTTP status code of the response.


static JSON<T extends { toJSON(): Record<string, unknown> }>(JSON: T | Record<string, unknown>, options?: Partial<Options>): Response
Creates a new response with a JSON body.

  • JSON: The JSON content for the response body. Can be an object with a toJSON method or a plain object.
  • options (optional): Partial configuration options for the response.
    • headers: The headers to include in the response.
    • status: The HTTP status code of the response.


static HTML(html: string, options?: Partial<Options>): Response
Creates a new response with an HTML body.

  • html: The HTML content for the response body.
  • options (optional): Partial configuration options for the response.
    • headers: The headers to include in the response.
    • status: The HTTP status code of the response.


static redirect(redirect: string): Response
Creates a new redirect response with a Location header.

  • redirect: The URL to redirect to.



An enum representing the possible types of the request body:

  • JSON - The body is in JSON format.
  • Text - The body is in plain text format.
  • HTML - The body is in HTML format.
  • None - There is no body associated with the request.


No Body

import { Response, Headers } from "sherpa-core";

export function GET() {
    return new Response();

export function POST() {
    return new Response({
        status: 201,
        headers: {
            "X-Foo": "bar"

export function PUT() {
        status: 401,
        headers: new Headers({
            "X-Foo": "bar"

Text Body

import { Response, Headers } from "sherpa-core";

export function GET() {
    return Response.text("Hello World!");

export function POST() {
    return Response.text("Hello World!", {
        status: 201


import { Response, Headers } from "sherpa-core";

export function GET() {
    return Response.JSON({ "foo": "bar" });

export function POST() {
    return Response.JSON({ "foo": "bar" }, {
        status: 201


import { Response, Headers } from "sherpa-core";

export function GET() {
    return Response.HTML("<h1>Hello World</h1>");

export function POST() {
    return Response.HTML("<h1>Hello World</h1>", {
        status: 201


Assuming this endpoint is at route /example/foo the user will be redirected to /example/success.

import { Response, Headers } from "sherpa-core";

export function GET() {
    return Response.redirect("../success");