
SherpaJS provides a flexible and intuitive way to define endpoints and handle incoming requests within your microservice architecture. Drawing inspiration by Next.js, SherpaJS routes follow a directory-based structure located in the /routes directory of your module.


Route Component Tree

  • Routes: A hierarchical structure for all the segments and endpoints of the server.
  • Subroutes: A subsection of the route structure.
  • Root: The first level of segments and endpoints in a route or subroute.

URL Anatomy

  • Segment: The directory name part of the URL path delimited by slashes.
  • URL Path: The part of the URL that comes after the domain, composed of segments.
  • Endpoint: The final destination in the route structure where the request is handled, typically defined in index.ts files.

Structure of Routes

In the /routes directory, you can create directories to organize your routes. Each endpoint within a route is represented by a file typically named index.ts, learn more about other types of endpoints.

Example Route Structure


├── /users
│   └── index.ts     // Endpoint logic for "/users"

├── /example
│   ├── index.ts     // Endpoint logic for "/example"
│   ├── /subroute
│   │   └── index.ts // Endpoint logic for "/example/subroute"

├── /[id]
│   └── index.ts     // Endpoint logic for "/[id]" access "[id]" with request.params.path.get("id")

├── /products
│   ├── index.ts     // Endpoint logic for "/products"
│   ├── /[productID]
│   │   └── index.ts // Endpoint logic for "/products/[productID]" access "[productID]" with request.params.path.get("productID")
│   └── /category
│       └── index.ts // Endpoint logic for "/products/category"

Defining Segment routes

Routes in SherpaJS are created using a file-system based router where folders define segment routes, and files inside these folders define the endpoint logic.

Basic Segment Route

In SherpaJS, the basic segment routes are straightforward. Each folder represents a route segment, and the index.ts file within the folder contains the endpoint logic, or other types of endpoints.

import { Request, Response } from "sherpa-core";

export function GET(request:Request) {
    return Response.text("Hello World!");

Nested Segment Route

To create a nested segment route, nest folders inside each other. For example, to create a /dashboard/settings route, you would nest two folders like so:


├── /dashboard
│   ├── index.ts // Endpoint logic for "/dashboard"
│   └── /settings
│       └── index.ts // Endpoint logic for "/dashboard/settings"
import { Request, Response } from "sherpa-core";

export function GET(request:Request) {
    return Response.text("Hello World!");

Dynamic Segment Route

To define a dynamic segment route, name a directory using square brackets, such as [id]. Within a dynamic segment route directory, you can access the parameter value from the request object in your endpoint logic. For example, if you have a dynamic segement route named [id], you can access the parameter using request.params.path.get("id").


├── /products
│   └── /[id]
│       └── index.ts // Endpoint logic for "/products/[id]"
import { Request, Response } from "sherpa-core";

export function GET(request:Request) {


The SherpaJS routing system has some restrictions when it comes to defining routes, these restrictions help to keep routing simple, consistent, and ensure best practices. The SherpaJS compiler will prevent you from compiling if you violate any of these restrictions.

Next Steps

Now that you understand the fundamentals of routing in SherpaJS, you can start creating endpoints for your application. \

Learn more about Endpoints