Sawyer Robot Introduction

The robot we use is a Sawyer Robot from Rethink Robotics who is also known as Tiborg.

This robot had a variety of different features

  • 2 Cameras (though the Kinect is better so we do not use it)
  • Jointed Arm
  • Pneumatic Gripper
  • LCD Display
  • Sensors

Some Basic Information

Set ROS master as Sawyer: (need to do this in every terminal that you want ROS to talk to Sawyer) (This is what sourcing the sawyer_ws/ script does for you) export ROS_MASTER_URI="http://{robot hostname or ip}:11311"

Turning it on and off

Emergency stop switch

How to move the arm manually

What some of the buttons do

To control and plan complicated movements, a porgram called Move-It is used.

To learn more about how to use the Sawyer Robot see Sawyer Tutorials

To learn how to control the Robot with MoveIt see MoveIt