

Every Rapid project comes with a set of scripts defined in the melos.yaml in the project root. More information on running melos scripts can be found here.

Available scripts:

Script NameDescription
analyzeAnalyze all packages.
formatFormat all packages.
build_runnerRun build_runner in a package.
build_runner:watchRun build_runner in a package. (Watch mode)
build_runner:cleanClean build_runner outputs in a package.
gen-l10n(Re)-generate localizations of a package.
run:devRun app in debug mode. (development)
run:testRun app in debug mode. (test)
run:prodRun app in debug mode. (production)
testRun tests in a package.
test:coverageRun tests with coverage in a package.
test:update:goldensUpdate goldens of a package.
test:e2e:devRun e2e tests in non web root package. (development)
test:e2e:dev:webRun e2e tests in web root package. (development)
test:e2e:testRun e2e tests in non web root package. (test)
test:e2e:test:webRun e2e tests in web root package. (test)
test:e2e:prodRun e2e tests in non web root package. (production)
test:e2e:prod:webRun e2e tests in web root package. (production)
coverageCalculate coverage for a package.
coverage:htmlGenerate a html-coverage report for a package.

Some of these scripts have prerequisites to run successfully. Please see the melos.yaml file in the project root for more information.

Code Generation

In the future, the introduction of static meta-programming has the potential to further accelerate this topic.

Rapid projects rely extensively on code generation to facilitate fast development. Since Rapid projects are composed of small modular packages, the generation times will be lower compared to projects with a monolithic package structure. To execute code generation within a package, utilize the following command:

# Single run
melos build_runner

# Watch mode
melos build_runner:watch


Snippets for IntelliJ are planned for 2023
Snippets for VS Code are planned for 2023

Once a project has been created and the necessary packages and Rapid Components have been added, developers can start implementing. To maximize productivity, Rapid will include context-specific snippets that enable developers to implement components and packages more efficiently. By utilizing these snippets, developers can significantly speed up their workflow and achieve faster results.