Create Command

Create command

This command creates a new Rapid project.

rapid create <project name> [arguments]


# create a new project named "cool_app" supporting no platforms
rapid create cool_app

# create a new project named "cool_app" supporting ios and web platforms
rapid create cool_app --ios --web


--output-dir (-o)

  • Description: The directory where to generate the new project.
  • Type: String
  • Default: "."


  • Description: The description of the new project.
  • Type: String
  • Default: "A Rapid app."


  • Description: The organization of the new project.
  • Type: String
  • Default: "com.example"


  • Description: The default language of the new project.
  • Type: String
  • Default: "en"



  • Description: Whether the new project supports the Android platform.


  • Description: Whether the new project supports the iOS platform.


  • Description: Whether the new project supports the Linux platform.


  • Description: Whether the new project supports the macOS platform.


  • Description: Whether the new project supports the Web platform.


  • Description: Whether the new project supports the Windows platform.


  • Description: Whether the new project supports the Mobile platform.