
Derived Signals

You may want to subscribe only to a sub-field of a Signal value.

// sample User class
class User {
  const User({
    required this.name,
    required this.age,

  final String name;
  final int age;

  User copyWith({
    String? name,
    int? age,
  }) {
    return User(
      name: name ?? this.name,
      age: age ?? this.age,

// create a user signal
final user = createSignal(const User(name: "name", age: 20));

// create a derived signal just for the age
final age = createComputed(() => user().age);

// adding an effect to print the age
createEffect(() {
  print('age changed from ${age.previousValue} into ${age.value}');

// just update the name, the effect above doesn't run because the age has not changed
user.update((value) => value.copyWith(name: 'new-name'));

// just update the age, the effect above prints
user.update((value) => value.copyWith(age: 21));

A derived signal is not of type Signal but is a ReadSignal. The difference with a normal Signal is that a ReadSignal doesn't have a value setter, in other words it's a read-only signal.

You can also use derived signals in other ways, like here:

final counter = createSignal(0);
final doubleCounter = createComputed(() => counter() * 2);

Every time the counter signal changes, the doubleCounter updates with the new doubled counter value.

You can also transform the value type into a bool:

final counter = createSignal(0); // type: int
final isGreaterThan5 = createComputed(() => counter() > 5); // type: bool

isGreaterThan5 will update only when the counter value becomes lower/greater than 5.

  • If the counter value is 0, isGreaterThan5 is equal to false.
  • If you update the value to 1, isGreaterThan5 doesn't emit a new value, but still contains false.
  • If you update the value to 6, isGreaterThan5 emits a new true value.