
Show API docs

Conditionally render its builder or an optional fallback component based on the when evaluation.

final loggedIn = Signal(false);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Show(
    when: loggedIn,
    builder: (context) => const Text('Logged In'),
    fallback: (context) => const Text('Logged out'),


  bool Function()? when,
  WidgetBuilder builder,
  WidgetBuilder? fallback,

A boolean Signal used to determine which builder needs to be used.

When the Signal's value is true, renders the builder, otherwise the fallback (if provided, or an empty view).

The Show widget takes a functions that returns a bool. You can easily convert any type to bool, for example:

final count = Signal(0);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Show(
    when: () => count() > 5,
    builder: (context) => const Text('Count is greater than 5'),
    fallback: (context) => const Text('Count is lower than 6'),