
solidart's reactivity is synchronous which means, by the next line after any change, the observers will be notified. And for the most part this is perfectly fine. Unrelated changes "rendering" twice don't actually mean wasted work.

What if the changes are related? solidart's batch helper allows to queue up multiple changes and then apply them all at the same time before notifying their observers.


final x = Signal(10);
final y = Signal(20);

Effect((_) => print('x = ${x.value}, y = ${y.value}'));
// The Effect above prints 'x = 10, y = 20'

batch(() {
// The Effect above prints 'x = 11, y = 21'

As you can see, the effect is not executed until the batch is completed. So when x changes, the effect is paused and you never see it printing: "x = 11, y = 20".