Signal API docs

Signals are the cornerstone of reactivity in solidart.

They contain values that change over time; when you change a signal's value, it automatically updates anything that uses it.

A Signal extends a ReadSignal, so all the API of ReadSignal are available.


  T initialValue, {
  SignalOptions<T>? options,

initialValue is the initial value of the signal.

options are the options of the signal.


Signal.lazy is a lazy signal, it doesn't need a value at the moment of creation. But would throw a StateError if you try to access the value before setting one.

set value(T newValue)

Sets the current signal value with newValue.

This operation may be skipped if the value is equal to the previous one, check SignalOptions.equals and SignalOptions.comparator.

For example:

final count = Signal(0);
count.value = 1; // set the value to 1

void set(T newValue)

Equal to the value setter above. This is convenient in Flutter apps where you can write:

final text = Signal('');

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return TextField(
    onChanged: text.set,
    // instead of
    // onChanged: (value) => text.value = value,

T updateValue(T Function(T value) callback)

Calls a function with the current value and assigns the result as the new value.

For example:

final count = Signal(2);
count.updateValue((value) => value * 2);
print(count()); // prints 4

ReadSignal<T> toReadSignal()

Converts this Signal into a ReadSignal. Use this method to make the signal read-only.