📷 📷 Multiple cameras at once (🚧 BETA)

To enable concurrent cameras feature, you need to give CameraAwesomeBuilder a SensorConfig with multiple sensors:

    // 1.
    sensorConfig: SensorConfig.multiple(
        // 2.
        sensors: [
        // 3.
        flashMode: FlashMode.auto,
        aspectRatio: CameraAspectRatios.ratio_16_9,
    // Other params

The main points of interest are the following:

  1. Instead of using the SensorConfig.single constructor, use SensorConfig.multiple.
  2. This constructor lets you define a list of sensors instead of a single one.
  3. Then, you can set regular sensor parameters like flashMode or aspectRatio.

Feature support#

Not all devices support the concurrent cameras feature. Keep in mind that it can be resource intensive.

Check the following method to determine if the feature is supported on the current device:

final isSupported = await CamerawesomePlugin.isMultiCamSupported()

Customizing the picture-in-picture preview#

The pictureInPictureConfigBuilder parameter lets you customize the preview of the additional sensors.

A PictureInPictureConfigBuilder is a function that is called with the index of the sensor and the sensor itself as parameters and returns a PictureInPictureConfig object.

Here is a sample code taken from the multi_camera.dart example:

 pictureInPictureConfigBuilder: (index, sensor) {
      const width = 200.0;
      return PictureInPictureConfig(
        // 1.
        isDraggable: false,
        // 2.
        startingPosition: Offset(
          screenSize.width - width - 20.0 * index,
          screenSize.height - 356,
        // 3.
        sensor: sensor,
        // 4.
        onTap: (){
          print('on preview tap');
        // 5.
        pictureInPictureBuilder: (preview, aspectRatio) {
          return SizedBox(
            width: width,
            height: width,
            child: ClipPath(
              clipper: _MyCustomPipClipper(
                width: width,
                height: width * aspectRatio,
                shape: shape,
              child: SizedBox(
                width: width,
                // 6.
                child: preview,

Let's break it down:

  1. Define if you want the preview to be draggable or not using the isDraggable parameter.
  2. Choose the startingPosition of the preview. You may adjust it depending on the index of the sensor.
  3. Set for which sensor this preview is.
  4. Add an onTap callback.
  5. Customize how you want the preview to be displayed using the pictureInPictureBuilder. This builder must display the preview widget. You may also use the aspectRatio of the preview to adjust the size of the widget.

Get the list of sensors#

You can get the list of all the sensors available on iOS with:

final sensorDeviceData = await CamerawesomePlugin.getSensors();

Maximum number of concurrent cameras#

Although the code lets you define any number of sensors, each platform has its limits regarding the number of cameras you can open simultaneously.

PlatformMax number of cameras

Providing more cameras may result in unexpected behaviour.

Capturing multiple pictures#

You can capture multiple pictures at once with the regular takePhoto() method:

await photoCameraState.takePhoto();

Then, listen to cameraState.captureState$ in order to retrieve the last medias captured.

A MediaCapture object contains a CaptureRequest which might be either a SingleCaptureRequest or a MultipleCaptureRequest, depending on the number of sensors used.

You can use the when operator to deal with this or directly cast it to one of the mentionned classes.

Here is an example which handles the preview tap:

    onMediaTap: (mediaCapture) {
        // 1.
        single: (single) => OpenFile.open(single.file?.path),
        // 2.
        multiple: (multiple) => Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
                arguments: multiple,

In this example, we use the when operator to handle each case:

  1. If it's a SingleCaptureRequest, we open the file directly.
  2. If it's a MultipleCaptureRequest, we navigate to a new page and pass the MultipleCaptureRequest object as an argument. This page could be used to display all the pictures taken for instance.

Capturing multiple videos#

Concurrent camera video recording support is not ready yet.


Sensor settings#

Sensor settinigs like flashMode or aspectRatio are only applied to the first sensor in the list (let's call it the main sensor).

Sensors used on Android#

The sensors used are not necessarly the ones given in the list of sensors.

There is a concept of pairs of concurrent cameras on this platform which implies that only some specific pairs will be compatible with each other.

For now, the sensors used are always one from the front and one from the back of the device.

Analysis mode with concurrent cameras#

This feature is not ready yet and might not be as good as you would expect: it would require even more resources.

Differences between pictures taken and Preview#

The preview shows the additional sensors as picture-in-picture.

This is not what is captured by CamerAwesome: instead, a picture for each sensor is individually captured.

For now, you are responsible to merge them into one picture (or use a Widget to position each image as you want).


If you are using this feature or have any feedback regarding it, please share it with us in a new issue.