Migrating from 1.x.x to 2.x.x

CamerAwesome 2.0.0 is a major release that brings a lot of new features and improvements.

The most important change is that you can use several sensors concurrently which implied several API changes to CamerAwesome.

This guide will help you to migrate your code from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.

Breaking changes#

The initial settings of the CameraAwesomeBuilder have been moved to either SaveConfig or SensorConfig.

See the code diff below:

-   sensor: Sensors.back,
-   flashMode: FlashMode.auto,
-   aspectRatio: CameraAspectRatios.ratio_4_3,
-   mirrorFrontCamera: true,
-   zoom: 0.0,
+   sensorConfig: SensorConfig.single(
+       sensor: Sensor.position(SensorPosition.back),
+       flashMode: FlashMode.auto,
+       aspectRatio: CameraAspectRatios.ratio_4_3,
+       zoom: 0.0,
+   ),
-   exifPreferences: ExifPreferences(saveGPSLocation: true),
-   enableAudio: true,
    saveConfig: SaveConfig.photoAndVideo(
        initialCaptureMode: CaptureMode.photo,
+       photoPathBuilder: (sensors) async {
+         final Directory extDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
+         final testDir = await Directory(
+           '${extDir.path}/camerawesome',
+         ).create(recursive: true);
+         if (sensors.length == 1) {
+           final String filePath =
+               '${testDir.path}/${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}.jpg';
+           return SingleCaptureRequest(filePath, sensors.first);
+         } else {
+           // Separate pictures taken with front and back camera
+           return MultipleCaptureRequest(
+             {
+               for (final sensor in sensors)
+                 sensor:
+                     '${testDir.path}/${sensor.position == SensorPosition.front ? 'front_' : "back_"}${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}.jpg',
+             },
+           );
+         }
+       },
+       videoPathBuilder: (sensors) async {
+           // same logic as photoPathBuilder
+       },
+       videoOptions: VideoOptions(
+         enableAudio: true,
+         ios: CupertinoVideoOptions(
+           fps: 10,
+         ),
+         android: AndroidVideoOptions(
+           bitrate: 6000000,
+           quality: VideoRecordingQuality.fhd,
+           fallbackStrategy: QualityFallbackStrategy.lower,
+         ),
+       ),
+       exifPreferences: ExifPreferences(saveGPSLocation: true),
+       mirrorFrontCamera: true,


  • Added multi-camera feature, allowing users to display multiple camera previews simultaneously. Note that this feature is currently in beta, and we do not recommend using it in production.
  • Users can now pass options (such as bitrate, fps, and quality) when recording a video.
  • 🍏 Implemented brightness and exposure level settings on iOS / iPadOS.
  • 🤖 Added zoom indicator UI.
  • 🤖 Video recording is now mirrored if mirrorFrontCamera is set to true.
  • ♻️🍏 Completely reworked the code for increased clarity and performance.
  • 🐛 Fixed patrol tests.
  • 🐛 Fixed the use of capture button parameter in awesome bottom actions (thanks to @juliuszmandrosz).
  • 📝 Added Chinese README.md (thanks to @chyiiiiiiiiiiii).